
Fitset Ninja participates and hosts competitions in two different ninja leagues, the Canadian Ninja League (CNL), and the Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association (UNAA). The CNL is the governing body in Canada for ninja; they host nationals and define the rules that most competitions in Canada run under. From CNL nationals you can qualify for a world’s event, run by the National Ninja League (NNL) in the United States. UNAA also hosts a world's event in the States. Many gyms run UNAA events as well as CNL ones; the difference (besides some rule differences) is there are no nationals in Canada for UNAA. We host various competitions throughout the year for athletes to qualify for the finals in each of the CNL and UNAA leagues. We also encourage our athletes to attend other ninja competitions outside of our gym and try to send some of our coaching staff to each competition that a few of our athletes might be attending.

Canadian National Finals, 2023

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The Canadian Ninja League (CNL) National Finals are coming this fall! From November 24th to 26th, 350+ athletes from across Canada will compete in Edmonton, Alberta, for the title of Canada's top Ninja Warrior for CNL Season 4.

The event, expected to draw close to 1,500 attendees, will feature athletes from ages 6 to 40+, and 10,000+ livestream viewers all watching athletes vying for championship titles with extreme fitness challenges like those seen on the network television show American Ninja Warrior™.

UNAA Las Vegas, 2022

Fitset Competition Featured on Global News

Apr 15, 2022

What is a ninja competition?

A ninja competition is an event in which the host gym has put together a series of obstacles in succession, making a course. You get points based on how many obstacles you complete within the course time limit. These courses will test athletes' balance, strength and speed with the goal of successfully completing the most obstacles in the quickest time. A ninja competition can be a great way to test your skills, compete against others, or just to have fun with your fellow ninjas. Competitions are an excellent way to show how you’ve improved and inform you on your weaknesses that you can continue to work on. Bring out the best in you by participating in a competition!

League Differences

Bot CNL and UNAA bases the age category that you compete in as of your age on on January 1st of the current year.

For the CNL, you must purchase a membership before competing in order to potentially qualify during a CNL competition. For UNAA events, there is no additional membership purchase.

In both leagues, you get one attempt at each obstacle before you must move on to the next one regardless of if you completed or failed it. However in CNL competitions, you do get 1 retry that you can use on any obstacle that you failed and you’d like to try again at, though you must decide to use it immediately after failing the obstacle, before moving to the next one. On the other hand, UNAA has a 3 strikes rule, meaning you fail any 3 obstacles in the course, then your run is over! The host gym may let you finish the remaining obstacles ‘for fun’, but they will not count towards your end score. For both leagues, your run will end once you’ve attempted the last obstacle, or once you run out of time.

A CNL course must have a minimum of 8 obstacles, 4 upper body and 4 lower body but there is no maximum obstacle limit. UNAA courses must contain at least 3 upper body, 3 lower body obstacles and one balance obstacle with a minimum of 10 total obstacles and 15 maximum.

2024 Upcoming Competitions

May 4-5 - WNL @ Life Force Ninja (Bellingham, WA)

May 25 - UNAA @ Fitset Ninja YEG (Edmonton, AB)

May 31-Jun 2 - CNL @ Nickel City Ninjas (Sudbury, ON)

Jun 21-23 - WNL @ Greensboro, NC

Jul 24-28 - UNAA @ Anaheim, CA

October 6 - CNL Stage 1 @ Fitset Ninja YEG (Edmonton, AB)

October 19 - CNL Stage 1 @ Fitset Ninja YYC (Calgary, AB)